No matter what business you’re in, you could likely benefit a lot from having a system in place that allows a cancellation waitlist. So, what are cancellation waitlists? Well, that’s when you help your customers out by allowing them to step in when there’s an appointment cancellation.
Customers love to know that you’re thinking about them, and if they can get an appointment quicker – in some cases – they’ll typically jump at the chance to do so. The good news is it’s really easy to start making a cancellation waitlist available for your customers.
What Are the Benefits of a Cancellation Waitlist?
For a start, cancellation waitlists are a fantastic way to show your customers you care without causing yourself or your staff any extra hassles or work. We’ll look more at how easy it is to put a waitlist in place a little later.
However, it’s not just your customers who benefit from cancellation waitlists; your balance sheet will prosper too when you put one in place. That’s because there’s nothing more annoying when you work hard to run a business than unnecessary downtime. To maximize profits, you need to use every slot and appointment available. Without the benefit of a cancellation waitlist, last-minute problems don’t allow that.
Let’s face it; life is often hectic. Sometimes your customers will have a problem that means they need to cancel an appointment. The important thing is, when that happens, your business should not suffer. Here’s how it works:
· If you have a waiting room – if you’re a stylist or a therapist, for instance, you can keep it smaller and less crowded by having an electronic waitlist in place. That’s because your customers or clients will do their waiting online.
· In bars and restaurants, the same principle is true. You can avoid frustrated guests standing and waiting at the entrance to your premises or on the street. In the age of COVID-19, this is especially important.
· Also if you’re a restaurant, an online waitlist will notify parties when their table becomes available via text message, meaning they can enjoy their evening and maybe even grab an extra drink somewhere else before they arrive.
· Not only that, but an online waiting list won’t just spring things on a guest, patient, or customer – it’ll provide real-time updates about the situation – kind of like a virtual line – but one they don’t need to stand in!
What Are Online Waitlists, and Why Do You Need One?
An online waitlist is pretty straightforward, and in 2021, it’s essential to have one because most, if not all your competitors will be offering such a feature. Whether or not you have an online waiting list could be the difference in attracting or retaining customers. No matter how good your stylists, chefs, mechanics, or masseuses are.
So, how does an online waiting list work? Well, it’s simple:
· Guests, patients, or customers can either choose to book in advance, or they can view your waitlist online when they’re in the area and look for available slots.
· If something unexpected happens, your staff can manage the waitlist from your premises and keep customers up to date if the waiting time changes.
· When a customer drops out of the line or cancels their appointment, table, or slot, the waitlist automatically updates and can even offer registered parties the chance to grab that slot and get served quicker.
Can Your Business Get Specialized Waitlist Software?
Absolutely. In fact, getting specialized waitlist software has never been easier. Waitlistr has helped thousands of businesses maximize profits and customer service by creating an online waiting list.
Putting a waitlist in place is as simple as downloading our state-of-the-art app and then customizing it to fit your business. Need help with your cancellation waitlists? Here’s how that works.
Get Started: Create Cancellation Waitlists
Once you’re ready to get started, it’s a simple five-minute process to create a waitlist with Waitlistr:
· Waitlistr is simple to use: There’s a quick form, and setting up your online waiting list doesn’t require any coding or specialist knowledge or skills.
· Customize your waitlist: Once we know who and what you are, you can easily create custom fields and tweak how you ask list members for information.
· Add images and business information: With Waitlistr, you get a hosted landing page that can tell your customers everything they need to know, such as dress codes, opening hours, and even average wait times.
· Websites and social media: You can link customers to your social media or business webpage from the Waitlistr app. Use our customizable widget on your site so that anyone who visits can quickly sign up for your waitlists.
· Offer rewards and incentives: Once you create a waitlist, you can reward list members who get their friends and family to join the list.
· Your own admin page: Manage everything easily from your admin page and effortlessly send messages to customers when the need arises.